Get her to yell at me

Get Her to Yell at Me

Here are some things that can make it more likely that a woman will yell at you:

  1. Ignoring or dismissing her feelings: If you dismiss or ignore her feelings, she may feel like you don’t care about her or her perspective, and this can lead to her feeling frustrated and angry.
  2. Being insensitive or dismissive: If you are insensitive or dismissive of her concerns or feelings, it can make her feel like you don’t care about her or her perspective, and this can lead to her feeling frustrated and angry.
  3. Being disrespectful or rude: If you are disrespectful or rude to her, it can make her feel disrespected and disvalued, and this can lead to her feeling angry and upset.
  4. Being dishonest or untrustworthy: If you are dishonest or untrustworthy, it can make her feel like you don’t value or respect her and this can lead to her feeling frustrated and angry.
  5. Being unresponsive or unhelpful: If you are unresponsive or unhelpful when she needs you, it can make her feel like you don’t care about her or her needs and this can lead to her feeling frustrated and angry.
  6. Being controlling or possessive: If you are controlling or possessive, it can make her feel like she is not in control of her own life and this can lead to her feeling frustrated and angry.
  7. Being dismissive of her boundaries: If you are dismissive of her boundaries, it can make her feel like you don’t care about or respect her needs and this can lead to her feeling frustrated and angry


Keep in mind that everyone’s boundaries and triggers are different, and it’s important to communicate openly and honestly with her about what makes her feel angry.

Be respectful of her feelings, and to apologize and take responsibility for your actions when necessary. It’s also important to be open to feedback and make an effort to change any behavior that may be causing her to feel upset.